Submission Guidelines
Space Cowboy Books publishes chapbooks of poetry, sci-fi stories, and sometimes essays and non-fiction. We also are working on a science fiction magazine that we aim to put out twice a year. To contribute to the magazine or submit a chapbook for consideration please follow the guidelines below. We also host literary events, so if you would like to hold a reading, book release etc. please get in touch with your ideas.
All work must be submitted in standard manuscript format or will not be considered: contact info, double spaced, 12 point, courier or times new roman. If you are not familiar with standard manuscript format do yourself a favor and look it up. Please include “SUBMISSION: Author Name” in the subject line of the email. At the moment we cannot offer pay for the mag but accepted contributors will receive one author copy of the magazine. Send stories and poems as a word attachment or rtf, and in the body of email. For chapbook submissions please send an inquiry with a bit about the book and yourself.
Podcast Submissions:
If you would like to submit to Simultaneous Times podcast please send a high quality wav. file via or follow the guidelines above if you have no means of recording. Please listen to at least a few episodes before submitting. We pay $10 a story.