The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains
Author: Neil Gaiman
Genre: Fantasy
Year: 2010
Rating: 7 of 10
I’ve been meaning to read Neil Giaman and have American Gods waiting on the shelf but then I can across this audiobook and was curious about the inclusion of a string quartet. It’s an interesting approach to the audiobook form, treated more like an album than a standard reading. The reading was done by Mr. Gaiman himself and accompanied by the ForePlay Quartet. I always appreciate hearing work in the author’s voice as they are usually the only one who fully understands the inflections intended but I can’t help but feel that perhaps the reading was a bit too affected at times. The music was interesting and a good fit for most of the scenes though occasionally was a bit distracting to the story. Overall I wasn’t blown away by the music and the ForePlay Quartet didn’t really stand out from most modern quartets. The story itself was a fun one somewhat in the vein of the Monkey’s Paw, a classic tale of be careful what you wish for with a few twists thrown in. Worth a listen if you have a drive ahead of you.
Purchase: Buy!