The Stars My Destination

Author: Alfred Bester

Genre: Science Fiction

Year: 1956

Rating: 10 of 10

It’s hard to believe this book was written in the mid-fifties for so many elements of the writing and the story feel so modern. That being said about half way through the book it struck me that it is most likely a science fiction retelling of the Count of Monte Cristo. Above all it is a tale of revenge, and like in Monte Cristo revenge is a hollow thing to live for, leaving one vacant as success become eminent. But revenge is not the only aspect of the book, it is a well-rounded story and even manages to tug on the heart strings a bit. Parts of the story were absurdist and decadent, bringing to mind Moorcock’s An Alien Heat. The book is obviously an SF classic but it is also hard to understate how much of an influence it became for so many writers, and now, myself included. Finally reading this book puts into perspective how it was influential to so many different camps of science fiction authors and will likely remain so. Fans of anti-hero stories will especially enjoy this tale. After reading this book I am greatly looking forward to reading more of Bester’s work, including but not limited to The Demolished Man. Highly recommended.


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