Author: Pat Cadigan
Genre: Science Fiction
Year: 1992
Rating: 10 of 10
Cyberpunk at its best! And unlike a lot of cyberpunk this book has not become dated as the years pass, the story is still fresh and plausible. Seedy style and beautifully disorienting language this book focuses on the transference of memories, both as a sort of drug, and as a means to vicariously attempt to steal the talent of others. The entire story had me guessing and did not disappoint every time it delivered, in truly unexpected ways. Cadigan’s story brings to light many accurate and horrifying aspects of addiction and portrays the street life believably and vivid. The world-building is spot on and gruesome, and had me believing that this is a world that could come to be if pharmaceuticals and surgery were taken to their logical extremes. Cadigan excels at the layered narrative, and somehow makes a really complicated story easy to follow. Not only is this probably the best cyberpunk book I have encountered, but I am dying to read another of her books.
Purchase: Buy!