
Author: Michael Butterworth

Genre: Science Fiction

Year: 2019

Rating: 10 of 10

This is an absolutely stellar collection of works spanning from the beginnings of Butterworth’s career to more recent pieces. I am impressed by the breadth and diversity of the work and styles employed. Many of the stories are aggressive and disorienting, evoking a wide range of emotions in a truly dynamic way. The dynamics of many of the pieces are masterfully done, expressing emotions that conflict with the narrative styles in a manner that adds to the delightful cognitive dissonance of the stories. I have so many favorites in this book that it is difficult to pick out a few pieces to highlight. One of the things that sticks out about this book to me is that it has a wide variety of themes explored while also retaining an overarching quality that makes it feel like all the pieces in the book express a larger mythos unique to Butterworth. It is a favorite quality of mine when an author’s work defines its own world and creates a tonality that can only take place in this particular vision of the fabricated environment, and Butterworth is a master of this. Highly recommended for fans of the New Wave and anyone interested in more literary approaches to science fiction.


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