Blood Music
Author: Greg Bear
Genre: Blood Music
Year: 1985
Rating: 10 of 10
Greg Bear is quickly becoming one of my favorites. This particular book is medical science fiction, which in my opinion is a sub-genre that deserves more exploration. By far this book contains some of the most original ideas that I have encountered in a long time. For a small book the scale of the story is tremendous. Without spoiling the book I’d like to mention one of the most interesting ideas proposed within the story. In quantum physics it has been proven that the observer of an experiment alters the outcome of said experiment. In this book when observation is concentrated to a large degree the universe has a difficult time adjusting to the observation, and therefore warps the fabric of space-time. I won’t go further into it so as not to give away too much of the story, but this book will have you pondering the mysteries of the universe long after you read it. I highly recommend this book and am greatly looking forward to reading more of his novels. On a side note I also recently listened to the Greg Bear story “Webster” from the Mindwebs radio program, and I highly recommend that too.
Purchase: Buy!